Tuesday 26 January 2010

First skills audit for the G321 Foundation Production

Having started the AS coursework, it has based a reality that the project is worth 50% of the final grade, which primarily was daunting. The Preliminary Exercise has begun and we have been segregated in to our groups, i am happy with my production team and feel that we have the potential to produce a great piece of coursework. I feel that my skills lie around being a group leader, my initial aspiration was to take an active role in pursuing the continuity of deadlines being met, i like to make sure that tasks are underway and preparation for the preliminary Exercise is produced with high quality.
Research and Preparation for the practical exercise is underway, mainly starting with initial idea blasts, Deciding roles, producing a draft script, storyboard (1) (2) (3), location/props/extra material and deciding on a production date (Wednesday 27th, January 2010). As of Tuesday 26th January 2010, i have borrowed the camera needed to film the preliminary exercise. I have done this because i would like to develop my skills in understanding the cameras layout and functionality. Initially this is to make the day of production run smoothly but also formally, we have asked favours from friends within the college to participate within the production and play characters within the dialogue exchange.
Idea Blasts left us with a unanimous decision on the the Exercise being focused on a mental institution/Asylum. Props and location were taken in to consideration along with high levels of enthusiasm centred around making and style of the production. Holli Bash one of four members within the group (Myself included) was able to obtain a straight jacket through family, which plays a fundamental attribution to the setting/Location of the exercise. I am hopeful that the task will be achieved as there has been a great deal of work put in to make sure the production will be legible and focus on the aim. "Continuity task involving the filming and editing of a person opening a door, crossing a room sitting down opposite another character. With whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue."
For the production to succeed it will rely on each member of the group working within a synergistic relationship assigned through production roles, each person has a responsibility weather it is, Director, Editor, Script writer. I have hope that the production will go well if each position runs smoothly with the next, however if there are complications then we will work as a team to overcome the problems.